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Meta Serif Pro Typeface Poster

Meta Serif Simple but Significant
Meta Serif Pro Typeface Poster
The poster is for the typeface Meta Serif Pro. The serifs on the typeface are boxy making it have a modern style. The quote "make it simple, but significant" was chosen because it fits with then modern style. Modern style can be described as minimal but also compelling. The quote is from a TV Show character named Don Draper played by Jon Hamm.
The focal point of this design is the word simple. This is due to its contrast of color to its background and it is larger than the other words in the quote. It also describes the typeface adequately, so it fits as a focal point.
The analogous orange and pink were chosen to solidify the large M and W in the background. When the M and W are in the background they are less of a focal point. I did this to make the word simple the focal point. 
Meta Serif Pro starts with the letter M so the large letter chosen was M. The letter W was chosen to align with the letter M's stem.  
Meta Serif Pro Typeface Poster

Meta Serif Pro Typeface Poster

Typeface Meta Serif Pro poster. This was made for an art 230 assignment.
