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Quarantine Diaries

Quarantine Days During The Covid 19 Situation 
COVID-19 is a global crisis, and our country is fully locked down for 53 days.

Now social distancing or quarantine doesn't mean we have to be alone.
Pick up your phone- write an email, facetime.

Let’s use these self-isolation days for self-betterment, learn new things,
and practice our indoor hobbies. Explore within.

I understand the uncertainty of the future is unsettling

but in these scenarios instead of feeling confined, we should cherish the idea of staying at home without any distraction.

I reckon when this ends we all will emerge with new appreciation for life and for the things we have around us. We will be a little more loving and caring for our friends and family and the sense of community which we might had taken for granted earlier.

Let's Hope for the Best.
This too shall pass,
till then
Stay Home Stay Safe
Quarantine Diaries


Quarantine Diaries

The Quarantine Diaries
