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Customer Service Call Center

Five Major Challenges For Entrepreneurs During COVID-19 And How Call Centers Can Help

Our world is currently going through an era of uncertainty and economic downturn. Businesses across industry verticals are seeing big challenges because of the outbreak. Pubs, restaurants, travel companies and theatres have shut their doors and we don’t know when they can open again. Emergency healthcare services are already over flooded with diseased patients and employee absenteeism rate is all time high.

From over hundreds of companies, their leadership talk sessions and sources from the internet, we have been able to find five major challenges faced by businesses and entrepreneurs. In due course, we will also discuss how a customer service call center can prove to be a helpful partner during the time of crisis. 

Analysis Paralysis    
Basically, entrepreneurs are finding it hard to think quickly and come out of this phase of uncertainty. Their over-thinking or over-analyzing the situation is leading to paralyzed decision-making. Delaying decisions will result in more problems and hindrances which will require further decisions to be taken from your end. Decisions are never final, they change and needs to be modified as per business scenarios, but you have to proceed by taking decisions on behalf of your company.

Break down your decisions and proceed with smaller steps. Set short-term objectives and try to achieve them in order to reach your long-term goals. Partner with a contact center to perform vigorous market research while maintaining social distancing protocols. The customer service call center agents can carry out market survey remotely so that you can get an idea about what your prospective customers want. That way, you can boost your sales.

Keeping up with regulations and laws

The landscape for businesses, irrespective of industry, is changing rapidly. The government releases new rules and laws that affect entrepreneurs almost every day. It becomes very hard to know about new legislation enforced when media only covers news of coronavirus. The official sources and government websites are delaying in updating information due to shortage of employees.

Monitor business related information from local, state and federal government. Call government officials, bank representatives and other designated authorities who will be able to provide you with correct and up-to-date information about money and taxes, health and safety measures to be implemented, benefits and grants, etc. Or, you can seek help from call centers to adopt lawful business practices. There are specialized call center solutions for handling business legalities.

Monitor business related information from local, state and federal government. Call government officials, bank representatives and other designated authorities who will be able to provide you with correct and up-to-date information about money and taxes, health and safety measures to be implemented, benefits and grants, etc. Or, you can seek help from call centers to adopt lawful business practices. There are specialized call center solutions for handling business legalities.

As the lockdown being imposed all over, there has been a noteworthy shift in consumer spending pattern. From increased spending on digital streaming app subscription to self-care beauty products, consumers buying behavior has changed greatly. It is very essential for businesses to understand this changing pattern so that they can frame their strategies, offer products and services accordingly.

Quick transitioning from on-premise to at-home operationin light of COVID-19. Hire remote customer service call center agents to carry out multiple campaigns in multiple languages and channels where your potential customers are present.  Run outbound campaigns and conduct online polling to understand the consumer spending pattern  

Quick transitioning from on-premise to at-home operation

Businesses are compelled to work from home in many hotspot locations where coronavirus has affected greatly. Many entrepreneurs were not prepared for this sudden shift. Work from home business model requires a lot of things in place, starting from employee management solutions for tracking and monitoring home-based employees to providing employees with basic infrastructure and devices to continue working from home. This involves a lot of time and money.

Proceed with blended process, half from office, half from home. This will help you operate effectively without losing track of employees. Offer work from home option to employees who have laptops or computers at home. You can also outsource your telemarketing and sales support requirements to customer service call center working remotely. Many call centers can help you track their employees working for you through custom employee manaAnxiety, uncertainly and losses. This is the story of several entrepreneurs out there. They are experiencing a lot of powerful emotions during this time of crisis. Then there are additional levels of stress to provide best to their customers. Customer complaints and enquiries are on the rise. And it is getting impossible for businesses to care for customer concerns while focusing on core business operations with fewer employees.gement software.

Dealing with stress and finding balance
Anxiety, uncertainly and losses. This is the story of several entrepreneurs out there. They are experiencing a lot of powerful emotions during this time of crisis. Then there are additional levels of stress to provide best to their customers. Customer complaints and enquiries are on the rise. And it is getting impossible for businesses to care for customer concerns while focusing on core business operations with fewer employees.

Solution: Maintaining a healthy work life balance is very essential. Devote your time to work, but also take out time for self-care or anything that makes you feel relaxed. You will get more time to make informed decisions by letting customer service call center handle your customers. If you, as a business owner, are working from home, do not forget to spend quality time with family.

Final Words
Entrepreneurs are dealing with a million concerns at the moment and it is difficult to figure out where and how to prioritize time and resources. One simple way for figuring this out is considering what is genuinely important for your business. For most businesses it is employees, customers and vendors.

You should give first priority to your employees because without their support you can’t really function. Up next would be customer communications. For that, you can hinge on customer service call center. Your customers may not be in a position to lift you from your challenges, but they still like to be updated on the changes you are making in your ways of operations, any new product or service offerings. 
Customer Service Call Center


Customer Service Call Center


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