Simply Perfection offers premium, no nonsense nutrition for dogs and cats. After completing the initial engagement of extending their brand across the 50+ sku range, we were asked to adapt it for the treat category. With black anchoring the pack we introduced roughened edges and hand-inspired lettering, giving the brand that fun, light-hearted quality so important to the treat category. Iconic elements, distinguished color coding and streamlined callouts help make the new packaging intuitive and shopper friendly. Overall the packs are engaging and informative, and speak with a straightforward tone that ladders up to the brand promise.

Client: Simply Perfection Pet Food

Branding and Packaging Redesign

Carina Giacomelli - Photography and Styling - Freshmade
David Edmunson - Executive Creative Director - Freshmade
Russ Martin - Creative Director - Freshmade

Simply Perfection

Project Made For

Simply Perfection

Simply Perfection offers premium, no nonsense nutrition for dogs and cats. After completing the initial engagement of extending their brand acros Read More
