Winna Ramli's profile

Melinda Gibson Case Study

Melinda Gibson Case Study
Melinda Gibson’s primary interests lie within the shifting boundaries of the photographic medium and how imagery is received and understood within its contextual surroundings. Using experimental techniques, she explores, examines and questions existing theories and codes of practice, pushing the boundaries of what really constitutes ‘seeing.’

Creative Brief
Organisation: Singapore International Film Festival
Insight: Without the educational programmes, more people will be apathetic towards the local film culture
Message: To take a different perspective and embrace local film culture
The theme (concept): See things differently

The Experimental Process
I started by choosing photographs with the personas that I wanted. Then, I chose the background-patterned photographs that will be used for the layering. After I have chosen all my photographs, I moved to photoshop and started masking to create my collage. I desaturated the background to draw more focus to the subject matter.

Final Works
Through this case study, I understood how Melinda Gibson used her style of  cut-out collage to create an entirely new perspective through the photograph. It is a form of expression and provided a whole new perspective.

Gibson's signature style was intriguing and engaging due to her focus on the subject and great use of colours. Overall, I learned how to adopt and adapt her style to create an interesting campaign which then had a new deeper meaning through the techniques of layering the different the photographs together.

Melinda Gibson Case Study

Melinda Gibson Case Study

A case study on the experimental style of Melinda Gibson.
