Illustration for "Vendors did not when they would get paid"
The idea was to highlight a clock (depicting time is passing by), and a human figure looking ahead, tring to figure out when they will get paid.
"Getting approval over emails was slow and ineficient"
Using the crease of an envelope as a tick mark, which is the standard way of showing approval. Inefficiency is depicted by the human standing and looking at the sealed approved email in a calm posture (rather than working with a laptop).
Illustration for " Delay causing a lot of Manual Coordination; Invoices would not clear and that involved a lot of back and forth" 
The concept was to illustrate people working, crouching on an enlarged invoice, focussing and working
Illustration for "Getting Approvals over emails was slow and inefficent"
Depiction of hourglass on the email and the girl showing excitement on finally receiving an approval. Also the most common signage to depict approval is a tick mark in a box, hence that has been used. 
All the above illustrations were done for Hubbler Pvt. Ltd and the rights are reserved with them of the same.
Illustrations IV


Illustrations IV
