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5 Movie Special Effects That Were Actually Cheap

5 Movie Special Effects That Were Actually Cheap

Special effects and CGI have taken quite a leap in the current era, but the same was not always true. There were times when they cost exorbitantly and did not offer the desired results. But like every other rule in the world, there are exceptions. Here are the top 5 movie special effects moments that were actually cheaper than we think. 

Terminator: The Recombining Scene
Terminator 2 is considered among the best action movies that have come to the screen. All thanks to the villain Terminator model, which has the capability of melting down and form its body again so that it doesn’t continue having any type of injury.

It was made possible in the picture by using a breaker of mercury as well as blow dryer. The filmmakers just require putting that liquid in the given area. And then, the blow dryer spread the metallic droplets to all the places needed. This scene is displayed in reverse for creating the thinking that the Terminator again forms by that liquid itself.

The Big Wizard Small Hobbit
In this movie, the camera was kept in such an angle that hobbits, even if they were standing far, seemed to be located immediately after the rest of the people.

This led the hobbits to seem very small.

Captain Kirk Mask
The mask was not created by any kind of expert team, rather it has been found by their props teams, which was similar to the role player of Captain Kirk in the movie. After taking the mask, the foremost thing that they did was messing up of its hair, put paint on it with a brush as well as stretched the eyeholes. And this led to making the scariest look in the world.

Windsock Tornado
Mostly everyone is aware of the movie The Wizard of Oz. It is so because, at any point in life, the majority of us have seen this movie. It begins by showing the tornado in The Wizard of Oz. In that scene, the filmmakers connected a long windsock with a gantry. Then, they moved them on opposite sides for resembling the changing position of the tornado, which seem real.

The 3D New York City
The movie ‘Escape from New York’ had a 3D model of New York, which was not at all affordable for the filmmakers. As a result, the special effects department did take a small model of New York, which they did use earlier. They modified it by using green tape as well as light. It looked seriously like any of the 3D models only instead of anything that have been made with the help of items purchased from any nearby general shop.

Jay Cross is a trained expert who works with the development team with feedback from customers to make it to expectations. He lives in New York and In addition to his work, he also writes for his personal blog.

5 Movie Special Effects That Were Actually Cheap

5 Movie Special Effects That Were Actually Cheap


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