Final Logo
Distressed Logo Option
1-Color Option
Figure Redesign
Supplied Layout - Not My Artwork
Logo created for Compton Gardens located in downtown Bentonville, AR. The ask was to create a logo that captured the feel of the gardens and Dr. Compton's love of the outdoors. 

I was supplied with the drawing seen above that they liked. my plan was to take the idea of the drawing, but change the layout to work better as a logo. I knew I could recreate all of the elements in the design in Illustrator, but the figure needed to be reworked to capture the vintage feel they were asking for.

I redrew the figure and brought it into Illustrator as a guide. I felt the original idea was to wide of an image to be useful in multiple applications. I decided to encapsulate the design within a shape reminiscent of the National Park signs. This allowed us to keep all of the requested elements without sacrificing usability.

Finally we used desaturated colors to reinforce the vintage feel of the design. I also created a distressed version as requested for apparel applications.
Compton Gardens Logo

Compton Gardens Logo
