Marlon Pusey's profile

"Smooth" - Campaign

"It tastes How it sounds" 2019 Digital Ad Campaign
You know what good coffee tastes like, but what does it sound like?
Featured in Snapchat's Global Best Practices for Consumer Ads 2019 (App Install Category)

Humans have five basic senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. A full culinary experience requires all five. Nothing says coffee better than the hum of an espresso machine, conversational ambiance, and the smooth sultry sounds of a mezzo soprano.

All work done as a part of and for Ritual
Design | Art Direction | Copy by Marlon Pusey  
Additional Copywriting: By Shannon Mulligan 

"Smooth" - Campaign

"Smooth" - Campaign

How are taste and sound connected - Besides the obvious answer being that these are two of the five senses we all posses, these senses are at mos Read More
