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WWF against the global warming

WWF against global warming
Simulation of the realization of an advertising poster commissioned by the WWF on the topic of global warming.

The visual wants to associate something that for people of any age or culture representsan indisputable pleasure for everyone, with the danger that this will be denied to everyone forever.

The ice cream is in the imaginationcollective a synonym of instantaneous pleasure, of joy, of positive memories and is crossed with the common memory of the child who lets it melt in his hands losing it and then giving up to his state of joy because of a carelessness.

The proposed headline says:

the future tastes bitter
(il futuro ha un sapore amaro)

The bodycopy instead was made by doing research in the database of the client and informs that:
Glaciers contribute about one thirdat sea level rise. As the seas warm up further, thermal expansion will push water even higher. Sea level has risen by 27 millimeters over the course of the last 50 years growing by about a millimeter a year.

(I ghiacciai contribuiscono per circa un terzo all’innalzamento del livello del mare. Mano a mano che i mari si scaldano ulteriormente, l’espansione termica spingerà l’acqua ancora più su. Il livello del mare è cresciuto di 27 millimetri nel corso degli ultimi 50 anni crescendo di circa un millimetro l’anno.)
The claim instead connects to the message of the headline and reminds us that:
It's never too late to go back.
(Non è mai troppo tardi per tornare indietro.)
WWF against the global warming

WWF against the global warming

WWF against the global warming campaign
