Alisha Vital's profile

TA - Andy Lo Pó Inspiration

Supplement Photographer
Andy Lo Pó

Andy was one of the photographers that was mentioned by Andy Greenacre in his talk a couple weeks ago. I then researched his work and found that he had a lot of interesting content on his website.

It was cool to find out that a lot of commercials and advertising that I've seen over the past couple of years were done by him. Including Humans the tv show and The Circle on Channel 4
One thing that I noticed as I went through Andy's website was that he has a very unique style that you could defiantly pick out of a line. He seems to use a lot of harsh colours and stand out but not in the way that you would expect.   
Theres a lot of harsh shadows and lighting as well. Even in his landscape photography there is still a 'Lo pó' aesthetics. 
Although I'm not doing fashion/profile portrait for my supplement I think there is a lot I can take from Andy's work for inspiration. His use of colours and harsh lighting can be something I implement into my shoe feature making them potentially look more dynamic and interesting for my final result.
TA - Andy Lo Pó Inspiration


TA - Andy Lo Pó Inspiration

How Andy Lo Pó work could potentially inspire my own.


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