mansi bohra's profile

Convertible Bridal Jewellery

Design Brief
Design a Rajasthani bridal jewellery collection for women between the age group of 23-30 yrs belonging to the high class society residing in tier 1 and tier 2 cities of India for S/S 20
Forecast s/s 20
Wedding forecast for s/s 20
Concept Board - The collection focuses on the concept of giving a repurpose to the Rajasthani bridal jewellery i.e.the bridal jewellery is convertible to Party wear as well as work wear jewellery
Mood board : The mood reflects the concept of a bride moving into a working environment.Majority of the women population in India currently are working and love their work which differentiates them from others.The name "Versatile Coupling " refers to the nature of women being versatile and able to adapt to situations which reflects in their jewellery.
Inspiration Board : Rose and its different representations (Sanganeri motifs,Rose gate at City Palace Jaipur and Pushkar Rose)
Products in Collection
Hathphool cum Gajra
Rough Sketch : Aad - (Rajasthani Choker)- Detachable Pendant and earrings (Workwear),Detachable choker and necklace(partywear)
Rough sketch: Borla - Detachable Choker ,Bracelet,Pendant and maangtika
Rough sketch: Earring ,Detachable studs (workwear),Detachable Pendant (Partywear),Detachable Jhimki (Partywear)
Rough Sketch: Hathphool cum Gajra - Detachable watch (workwear),Detachable rings,Detachable pendant
Rough Sketch : Nathni - Detachable Pendant ( Partywear) , Detachable Pendant (workwear) , Detachable Bracelet(workwear) 
Collection : Earrings,Nathni,Borla,Aad,Hathphool cum Gajra
Fair sketch : Nathni
Fair Sketch : Hathphool cum Gajra
Fair Sketch :  Aad - Rajasthani Choker
Fair Sketch : Detachable choker and necklace- partywear
Detachable pendants and earrings - workwear
Fair sketch : Borla
Fair Sketch : Detachable choker
Fair sketch : Earring
Detachable Earrings
Convertible Bridal Jewellery

Convertible Bridal Jewellery
