Ioana Aki's profile

Ode to Mauna Kea

          I chose to create Jason Mamoa, the telescope scientists are trying to have built on Mauna Kea, and the Hawaiian island. I thought this would be an interesting way to show the protest against the telescope. I chose Jason Mamoa because he is one of the many influential people against it. Mauna Kea is a very sacred mountain to the Hawaiians. I also think it the telescope shouldn't be built.
          I chose this Mamoa look to show the anger people have about this. I placed him in front of the island and the telescope to show power, like he is taking a stand against it. I placed the telescope behind him to show that's what the people and him don't want. The island with Mauna Kea inside of it is in the very back to show that's what this is all about. It also represents that through its size, the island is the biggest thing on the page.
          The telescope is gray to have a sort of emotionless feel to it because the people who are trying to have it built aren't thinking about the people who value the mountain. The fade from a whitish blue to the baby pink color in the sky inside of the island is representing the beauty the island has. The fade from a dark gray to white from the very bottom of the page up is showing the darker views on the telescope and the anger people have. The lettering is colored baby pink to match the sky and have a black back to it to make it stand out.
Ode to Mauna Kea

Ode to Mauna Kea
