The Absolut Art of Sharing

Designed by Cristobal Cabezas, Sebastian Sarmiento, Gonzalo Ortiz Derpich
Videos: Bog Film & Video
Brand Activation, 2010

Due to the presentation of four pitchers with illustrations by Stephen Powers and Chiho Aoshimae, a Brand activation was carried out in several clubs in the city.
We present several concepts for Activation, from the bar to interactive pillars with music and information to be implemented in different parts of the city.
Brochures were included with cocktail recipes created especially for activation, which was delivered to the participants to enjoy a better experience.
During the Brand Activations, street art murals were made and pieces of each were given to the participants as part of a gift set that included a Pitcher, a bottle of Vodka and various accessories illustrated.
The Art of Sharing

The Art of Sharing
