Marcelo Colmenero's profile

Ancient Roman House (Domus), WIP

Ancient Roman House (Domus)
I've always been fond of History and real life details about other time periods. As a child, reading those illustrated architecture book on how pyramids, medieval castles and ancient roman cities were built was a passion for me (not slightly nerdy, at all...). So back in 2006 I decided to draw an ancient Roman house, or as they would call it, a Domus. I went after several visual references, from cutouts to blueprints, and started working on this (as of now, unfinished) piece.
The central idea on this project is not to display just the outer shell of the building, but also (and even more importantly) its inner workings, with fully painted walls with frescoes and mosaic patterns and scenes on the floor, as well as furniture and people minding their own business. So for that I first worked on the floor plant, then raising the street level walls and then the second floor walls, followed by the roofing. As of now, it's still on the raw structure stage.
After several computer and hard drive changes, I thought the file for this project was gone. Ironically, while digging up folders in an old laptop, it resurfaced. I feel it's a sign that I should finish it, 13 (yikes!) years later.
Ancient Roman House (Domus), WIP


Ancient Roman House (Domus), WIP

An isometric rendition of an ancient Roman empire house.
