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How Will a Life Coach Change My Life?

The 7 qualities you want to find in a life or business coach.
If you are curious about how a coach will change your life?
You are in the right place!
A life or a business coach will not change your life. Your coach will help you change your own life. Every decision is your every step of the way. Your coach is only interested in empowering you and finding your true inner passion by helping you achieve absolute clarity and benefit from your core values ​​and your pure vision of what you want to achieve in your life.
At what point in your life do you decide that you would benefit from or even need the services of a business or life coach?
Many people seek life training as they experience a transition in their personal life or career. Those looking for coaching want a faster path to success or feel stuck and need great strides. In both cases, people want to find a strategic way to take correct action. Clarify your vision, find your inner or central strength or passion and gain momentum to excel in a short or long term goal.
Before working with a coach, request a discovery session and find out if the coach has these 7 characteristics:
1. You are the expert.
No one knows you and your inner world of thoughts and feelings better than you. Does your prospective coach recognize that you are the absolute expert in you? A good coach will respect and acknowledge you for what he is and will work with you to maximize your strengths and support or delegate your weaknesses.
2. Open questions:
A professional trainer is trained to ask you open-ended questions that provoke thoughts that allow you to deepen, within, and in a safe space to discover qualities and motivations that would not otherwise be obvious.
3. Belief:
Your coach sometimes believes in you more than you believe in yourself. Helping you achieve your goals and dreams is the only agenda your coach has. Your coach will work with you to develop strategies and support you every step of the way.
4. Perspectives:
Your coach will help you gain new perspectives to expand your understanding of situations and circumstances that may not seem supportive.
5. No judgment:
A professional coach is not critical and chooses to look for the opportunity in every situation.
6. Growth:
Your coach is looking for opportunities for growth, greater awareness, strengthening and expansion. Provide many opportunities to experience fun, joy, and well-being in personal and professional development while providing strategic intervention to help you achieve your goals.
7. Solutions:
There is always a solution. Your coach will be your best cheerleader and will celebrate with you every step of the way. There is always a solution, and your coach is committed to helping you find the best solutions to accelerate your success in business and life.
A coach considered as someone who "supports" is on his side and supports him to achieve his dreams and goals. A professional coach is trained to listen to you and help you deepen and discover your strengths, help you follow your true passion and transform any perceived weaknesses into growth opportunities. A great visionary and transformer trainer is trained to make the most of you.
"As you follow your happiness ... the doors open where you would not have thought there would be doors." - Joseph Campbell
As your coach, I work with you to help you clarify your true vision, access your passion, find quick solutions and create strategic and decisive actions to reach your goals quickly and easily.
How Will a Life Coach Change My Life?

How Will a Life Coach Change My Life?


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