Digital Drawings
By Elijah Craig 
These are some digital drawings I have done during my Graphic Design Diploma at Vancouver Community College and after. Some were school assignments and some were my own personal fun projects.
Freddie and Michael
These are two digital drawings I did for Freddie Mercury's 72nd birthday and Michael Jackson's 60th. Two of some of my favourite music legends. The drawing of Michael is actually an updated version of a drawing I did of him awhile back. I was not satisfied with that drawing so I decided to update it for his birthday.
Book and Movie Covers
These were two projects I worked on during my time at VCC, both were tons of fun to make.
Steve Jobs:
In this project we got to make a book cover of anything we wanted. At the time I recently rewatched the 2015 Steve Jobs biopic, so I thought doing a book cover on him would stand out among my peers' book covers.
The Longshot:
In this project we were all randomly given both a fairytale story and movie genre and make a movie poster out of that. I ended up getting The Ugly Duckling as a Romantic Comedy. Design wise I took many inspirations from John Hughes movie posters and many Romantic Comedy movie posters.
Lil Dee and Toon Boom Fox
These two were more or less for fun. The first one was for my friend Deanna that saw some of my art and wanted a simplistic drawing of herself. The second one was me testing out Toon Boom, and I gotta say I really love its drawing tools. The character I drew is Fox McCloud from the Star Fox games.
N64 Icons
These were some icons I made for a possible tattoo idea for myself in the future. These are some characters that had really popular games on the Nintendo 64 back in the late 90s. I have fond memories playing these games with my cousins back in the day, so these characters are very nostalgic to me. (Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, and Fox.)
R.I.P. The King
This was something I made for Elvis' death (August 16, 1977). I wanted to make something more stylized and vibrant with interesting colours. I took many inspirations from illustrations made in Adobe Illustrator, which is what I used to make this piece of art.
Digital Drawings

Digital Drawings

Some digital drawings I worked on for school and/or for my personal projects.
