Speculating the SPECTACULAR is a project about the distant future of virtual reality and how it can be used to reduce anxiety in office environments.
360° EDGE is a speculative Virtual Reality App that helps reduce General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in office environments. 
To use virtual reality as a means to create immersive experiences within office environment to facilitate relaxation.

Office environments can be stressful, not just physically but mentally as well. 360° EDGE not only allows the users to transport to  another world but it also caters to all your senses. 
The product has been designed keeping in mind the General Anxiety Disorders faced by worked-up employees which affects their attendance, productivity and performance.
The logo has a digital and physical version. It reflects the brand values of 360° Edge- the name of brand. The logo exploration centres around geometric, adaptive and edgy shapes. 
User can choose the locations, read about it in depth, factors like altitude, current weather conditions, climate etc; or simply begin their virtual tour to relax.
While virtually being present in the said location, they can control the presets and choose to enable and disable the given factors. 
360° EDGE


360° EDGE
