A better way with Draftable

Sounds like Draftable

When Ben and Dawson, from Draftable, a local Fitzroy tech startup, came to us with a familiar design challenge, our first task was to understand their product. Draftable is a suite of professional document comparison tools. More useful and time-saving, for more people, in more industries, than we (or even they) could have ever possibly imagined. So the challenge? Help them define the offer and benefits, target the potentially huge audience, spread the word, and ultimately get Draftable into more hands to push productivity forward.
Using our comprehensive branding process, we guided Draftable through:
• Competitor and best-practice research
• Audience research, segmenting and insights
• Stakeholder workshop
• Uncovering their values, vision and mission
• Defining their value proposition
• Brand Architecture and product naming strategy
• Content strategy and messaging
• And ultimately an overarching brand strategy
“Engaging with Draftable's tech support to uncover audience insights was crucial to the project's success. The anecdotal feedback they had from all sorts of customers, really pointed to this huge ‘ah ha’ moment; a massive sense of relief and a realisation from their users that there is indeed a better way to do the repetitive daily task of comparing documents.”

— Shane, Liquorice Creative Director
Looks like Draftable

The subtle brandmark features a 'D' formed effortlessly by the pages of a curved document. The weightless side-by-side sheets of their brand imagery contribute to an identity communicating ease, reliability, time-saving, and that delightful ‘ah ha’ moment.

With a rich and compelling strategy in hand we were able to develop the refreshed brand identity, brand toolkit, new marketing website (yet to launch) and sales tools for pitching the product to clients.

To avoid jargon we had to get bilingual (without speaking binary)

Draftable is a clever productivity tool for professionals who need to get a simple job done. It's arguably even better for IT teams and developers who need a plug-and-play API to enable entire business departments access the tool. These two distinct audiences require very different information, each in a nuanced tone, even a different language. We took the time to talk at length with developers to ensure the technical side of the Draftable offering really spoke to them, ultimately finding the right messaging.
Must be Draftable

One of the challenges for startups is providing maximum impact on a budget. Our consultative process ensured Draftable could achieve their immediate objectives, allowing for future growth without a prohibitive up-front investment. One aspect; gaining an understanding of their own capabilities, ensured a seamless collaboration that would see us hand over a useful UI kit for their implementation.
Liquorice has been an incredibly valuable partner. They have expertly guided us through the whole process, providing creative and intelligent solutions, refining our brand architecture, product naming and new Brand Identity. Our soon-to-launch marketing website will be the culmination of months of research, planning and refinement, bringing our new brand to life. We couldn’t be happier with the professionalism and expertise they’ve brought to our business.

— Ben Toner, Founder of Draftable
With their brand identity toolkit and templates and a website soon to launch, Draftable are all set to give more and more busy professionals that ‘ah ha’ moment.
Brand Strategy
Digital Strategy
Front-end Development
User Experience Design
User Interface Design

Strategy: Shane Loorham, Anna Gowers, Madeleine Baud, Jim Yencken
Creative Direction: Shane Loorham
Copywriting: Madeleine Baud
Brand Design: Shane Loorham, Andrew Fiscalini
Animation: Andrew Fiscalini
Digital Direction: Jim Yencken
UX/UI Design: Peter Binek
Project Management: Anna Gowers, Tamera Crang


Branding, strategy and website for tech start-up Draftable.
