Natasha Nazan's profile

YAMAN Retail Store Design


Retail store design for YAMAN.
A developing beauty equipment technology from Japan.

Design & Visualization: Natasha Nazan
Software: Autocad, Sketchup, Vray, Photoshop

Yaman beauty is a product that focus on massage devices for face and body. The objective is to design a beauty retail not only displaying the products, but also educating people about the device. As the location  of this shop unit is sitting at the back entrance of the mall,it is a challenge to create an eye-capturing shop unit at the same time a different concept from the current store.  Using tatami as a concept, it was altered in a contemporary way by having the black frame and tatami material as a wall decoration and in product display. 
Concept and Mood Board
Adobe Photoshop
Plan Drawing of Yaman Store
Autocad / Adobe Photoshop
Detail Drawing 01 & material reference : Island Product Display Shelf
Autocad / Adobe Photoshop
Detail Drawing 02: Wall Product Display Shelf
Autocad / Sketchup / Vray Sketchup 3.4 / Adobe Photoshop
Detail Drawing: Product Display Holder
Autocad / 3Ds Max / Adobe Photoshop
View  at the entrance of Yaman Store
Sketchup / Sketchup Vray 3.4 / Adobe Photoshop
View from the Foreo Store
Sketchup / Sketchup Vray 3.4 / Adobe Photoshop
View from the front of Foreo Store
Sketchup / Sketchup Vray 3.4 / Adobe Photoshop
View from the right side of the Yaman Entrance
Sketchup / Sketchup Vray 3.4 / Adobe Photoshop

Thank you for watching!

YAMAN Retail Store Design

YAMAN Retail Store Design

Retail Design for Yaman beauty at Tangs Plaza, Singapore. A developing beauty equipment technology from Japan.
