Diving Back In : A project that started off from a broad lens view about Travel. Philosophical aspects such as learning about oneself through travels and new adventures, connecting with nature, finding and experiencing peace, introspecting and maintaining relationships with close ones all served as important pillars of research in the initial phase.
Here's a visual board to sum up all that I learnt through my initial research, attaining calm, rediscovering oneself being content and experiencing freedom. Visuals used are a result of my personal thoughts about these words, namely, lake water helping being calm, the splatter of water and ocean waves filling one with a feeling of joy and ripples spreading in water giving a feeling of contentment.
Trend research from WGSN helped give direction and stories for using specific techniques for textures and garment construction.
Draping helped achieve fitted yet fluid silhouettes that resemble the fluidity from water inspiration like the movement of waves and the texture of pleated fabrics represent the textures of different water bodies. Wire structures on pleated faric further express the movement of waves.
Diving Back In

Diving Back In

Process of the making of my Graduation Collection, including mood, colour and other boards, explorations in designs, skecthes and finally conclud Read More
