PAKTA STUDIO's profile

"At what point does fabric become waste?" Installation

At what point does fabric become waste?
The primary force behind Sustainable design is discipline. It is imperative to put in place systems that create sustainable behavior throughout the production process and to hold oneself accountable to them.

DERIVAT is a collection of bags derived from the production process waste. Constrained by the irregular shapes and sizes of fabric scraps, we experimented to see what product forms we could make as a standardized product range that doesn't sacrifice form or function.

This installation consist of 143 pieces of our scrap material. A DERIVAT bag is normally made of 4 pieces. It was exhibited at Bratislava Design Week in June 2019.

"At what point does fabric become waste?" Installation

"At what point does fabric become waste?" Installation

This installation considers the necessity of makers and designs to put sustainability processes and behaviors at the heart of the making process, Read More
