Colorful Emotions is a project where colors are used expressively. In this project I used photos of classic statues and edited them so that they would be grayscale. I wanted to use busts of sculptures mainly because they tend to have a very neutral face, making it hard to tell what emotion they hold. With these statues, I used colors and icons of what I associate with certain emotions personally. My inspiration for the style of this project is Japanese Pop Kawaii style (see artist Kyary Pamyu Pamyu).
I could make an infinite list of things that make me happy, so narrowing it down to only a few was quite difficult. The icons I ended up choosing were things that were more general things that most people might find relatable. 
3.Friendships/Healthy Relationships/Family
I could probably name just as many things that make me sad as things that make me happy. Again for this the icons are of things that I believe commonly are associated with sadness. 
2.Broken Relationships/Break Ups/Friendships that Drift Apart
3.Not Having a lot In Your Bank Account
Anger was by far the hardest for me to create icons for. This section required me to self-reflect a lot and see what makes me angry. I realized I am just not an angry person, but there were a few things that do make me frustrated.
1.Yelling/Rude People
3.People Being Late
Thank you for viewing my work!
Colorful Emotions

Colorful Emotions

Color Expression Project focussing on relation of color and emotion.
