Marilyn Maitland's profile

Pfzier / Advil : Guerrilla Campaign

Canadian Marketing Association Winner - Digital Community Engagement
OPPORTUNITY : After Kanye West released the song, “No Church in the Wild”, #SunglassesAndAdvil came to
mean a night of hard partying and dealing with the massive hangover that results. Advil wanted to fuel this trend
but not ruin it with brand advertising.

SOLUTION : Using a limited budget and zero paid media we commissioned Montreal-based street artist
(and Kanye fan) Tava to execute an unofficial #SunglassesAndAdvil art project for Nuit Blanche in Toronto.
THE ICON of an Advil bottle and sunglasses was painted in 25 locations around Toronto. 
THE PARTY Created triple layer silk screened t shirts and handed them out to DJs and bartenders in the city. They wore them during Nuit Blanche after hours parties. Security granted visitors access the after hours location with a custom stamp. 
EVP, Chief Creative Officer : Israel Diaz
Art Director : Marilyn Maitland
Writer : Brent Turnbull
Designer : Marilyn Maitland
illustrator / Street Artist : Antoine Tavaglione
Photographer : Elijah Koutsourakis, Brian Cruz
Editor :  Brian Cruz
Pfzier / Advil : Guerrilla Campaign

Pfzier / Advil : Guerrilla Campaign

