Food delivery – Uber for food delivery
These apps have made getting your preferred food at your ideal area and at the ideal time conceivable with a tap of your finger. These apps simply ensure the food is conveyed. The one United Nations organization arranges the food will offer his/her input and rate the eating house according to their mastery.

Handyman services – Handyman app like uber
One such administration is Handyman app like Uber. This on-demand Handyman app empowers people to benefit on-demand administrations like booking a skilled worker, circuit repairman, handyman, etc from their smartphones. Right when a customer books a Handyman, an authority center according to your necessities will be made available for helping you with the work.

Laundry services – uber for laundry
These apps have picked up a lot of traction inside the ongoing past. These make you give your garments to professional laundry administration with pick and drop office. On the off chance that you have this app, you don't have to stress over your garments any longer. Our on demand portability administration model will enable your begin to up or venture to advance quicker and convey supreme administrations to clients over the business and contender.

You may like to read in-depth: Some of the most popular On demand business
On demand apps