Vanessa Luo's profile

Math Tutor Resume Layout and Design

My friend wants to advertise her services as a math tutor and asked me to help - in her words - "hype up" her resume. 

She excelled at mathematics during high school and college. And she helped a lot of our classmates - and me - through "testing (her pun)" homework and tests. However, she was concerned that employers may toss out her resume without a glance as she lacks official tutoring experience. 

Therefore, she asked me to design an attention-grabbing resume that focuses on her and her love for math instead of a resume that's - in her words again - "a faceless sheet of paper."


I designed the layout in Adobe InDesign. I divided the resume in half so the left portion contained more eminent information, like her contact information and areas of expertise. The right side focused more on her background and qualifications. 

I wanted to showcase her upbeat personality by including her picture. While HR experts don't encourage including photographs on resumes, it seemed appropriate as she is not applying to work at a corporate setting. Instead, she wants to be a private tutor to students preparing for the SATs. And the inclusion of a photograph also helps present her as a prospective personable tutor.  

Next, I strived to combine the bold passion of the color red and the bright joy of the color yellow to establish her energetic and vibrant profile. 


After we finished reviewing the draft, she filled in the blanks with her information. 
I had planned to represent her AP math scores as a scale of 1 to 5. But after she told me how she loved to create and use visual aids to explain math concepts, I thought I should further exemplify that with another graphic. 

Using Adobe Illustrator, I created three additional charts to represent her ACT and SAT scores as a percentile range. And then imported them into InDesign. 

Originally, I included the "miscellaneous" section as a space-filler. But there was hardly any space after everything was filled in, so we decided it'd be the best to remove the section altogether.   

For privacy reasons, she asked me to not disclose her name and personal information so I filled in the sensitive details with my own. 

And here's the final product: 
Math Tutor Resume Layout and Design

Math Tutor Resume Layout and Design
