Natalia Figueroa's profile

Discordant Dreams- Expressive Mania

This series is my first collection of digital abstract art made using a stylus with a real brush tip. It was made by a company called The Friendly Swede. The theme is mania and abstract expressionism. This is also my first series that tries to match writing with the art.

Scarecrow In Heat

What does a scarecrow in heat look like?

A violent Cheshire grin and a fire in it's eyes.
Manic from the glow of the last flash of life from dying leaves
that tickle it's appetite for death
as it stays suspended for a season in time
strapped to a post stuck in alternating muddy and hardened earth
that will soon give way to gluttonous sustenance...
But only after a long cold contemplation of life
as winter burdens it with grief
and it's last meal of leaves slough from it's belly in fortuitous chunks.
The Gremlin Started A Fire

The Gremlin started a fire.
One she did not aspire.
Picking up energy 
from her environment of vagrancy
led her to tweak you see,
with elements of petulancy
that gave her relief 
at the sight of other's grief.
Now content with her conviction
she sits in contemplation;
legs crossed in benediction
while fire feeds their friction. 
Mid Summer Contentment
Eyes Shut, Mind On Fire

Eyes Shut, Mind On Fire
Eyes Shut, Mind On Fire
As flashes of insight attempt to inspire
but rather grate the mind
like skin on concrete.
Temporarily blind,
eyes burn with desire
for manna that kneads
as energy becomes deplete
and the mind ignites on fire.
Sweetness Trance
Discordant Dreams- Expressive Mania


Discordant Dreams- Expressive Mania

My first series of art made using a digital brush stylus and my first time trying to match words for the art.
