DM Doodles #2 (2018)
PT: Como no projecto anterior, o "DM" em DM Doodles deriva de "Dungeon Master", referente ao jogo Dungeons and Dragons, que jogo regularmente entre amigos. Os esboços apresentados em baixo foram coleccionados de uma série de desenhos feitos em diferentes formatos, realizados como referências visuais para criaturas (algumas conhecidas, outras menos) que habitam o ecossistema do jogo, como que o início do que virá a ser um bestiário. Foram feitos com diversos materiais (grafite, esferográfica, marcadores, tinta da china, etc.) e realizados em formatos diferentes (entre A4 e A6).
EN: Like in the previous project, the "DM" in DM Doodles comes from "Dungeon Master", referring to the game Dungeons and Dragons, which I play regularly with friends.The sketches shown below were collected from a series of drawings made in different formats, created as visual aids for the creatures (some well-known, other not so much) that inhabit the game's ecosystem, like the beginning of what will be a bestiary. Made with diverse materials (graphite, ball-point pen, markers, indian-ink, etc.) on different paper formats (between A4 and A6).
Creature: Savager (Tome of Beasts, by Kobold Fight Club)
Creatures: Beholderkin (Monster Manual and others by Wizards of the Coast)
Creatures: Flumph and Cloaker (Monster Manual by Wizards of the Coast)
Creatures: Aboleths and Banderhobb (Monster Manual and others by Wizards of the Coast)
Creature: Eater of Dust (Tome of Beasts by Kobold Fight Club)
Creature: Trolls (Monster Manual by Wizards of the Coast)
DM Doodles #2

DM Doodles #2

A series of selected drawing inspired by the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons
