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How SEO Will Change in 2019


2019 is coming out to be a very exciting year for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). With more competitors and content on the web, the various factors influencing search algorithms are rapidly becoming more and more complex. With new exciting methodology and technologies, the search engines have now been able to flawlessly improve their search results and the quality. These improvements are sure to continue and even get better in 2019.
With the growing prevalence of mobile dependence, artificial intelligence, voice control and virtual reality, 2019 is sure to be a very big year looking at the growth of search engine optimization (SEO). Before partnering with a search engine optimization (SEO) Agency for your business, it is of the outmost importance to make sure that they are forward-thinking and also ready to adapt to the exciting developments in SEO optimization. You want to know how SEO will change in 2019? Keep reading to find out all the game changing technologies and latest trends, that are sure to influence SEO in 2019.


The voice search software is the latest trend, and it is a user-friendly technology that is aimed at offering users with hassle-free and convenient usage. Manually typing questions online is gradually coming to an end, with the voice search option now becoming the best option for user. 
As a matter of fact, it has been estimated that in the year 2020, the voice search will completely account for exactly fifty percent of total searches. The increase in voice identification software will necessitate relevant changes to SEO in 2019. This is due to the fact that voice identification is dramatically changing the way users carry out their searches on the web.
In 2019, keywords and content will now be programmed for those using the voice search function, which will, thus, be far more conversational than compared to the present searching trends.


Artificial intelligence (AI) already has a great impact on how primary search engines rank various websites. As a matter of fact, Google now utilizes artificial intelligence in mimicking human behavior and activities on these sites. By utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to mimic human behavior on various websites, Google obtains relevant data on how user-friendly these websites are.
Google and other search engines who use artificial intelligence for the same reason, now reward websites that are user-friendly, by taking them up among the SEO rankings. Artificial intelligence (AI) is, thus, going to has some changes on SEO in 2019, by driving the focus back to user behavior.


The SEO specialists anticipates that the major search engines, like Google, will keep on depleting the available space for organic listings, to favor paid search advertisements. In 2018, most of the main search engines kept on adding up more space to favor paid ads, pushing organic listings to the ground. 
Specialists, therefore, recommend that search engine optimization marketers will have no other choice but to work harder, to push their organic listings more and more forward to reach the top three (3) positions. Also, It will force SEO marketers to widen their marketing techniques to include paid searches and local SEO. Otherwise, their content will risks being ranked beneath the new list of paid ads.

If you'd like to learn more about how you can use SEO to grow your business, please contact me through my website, Airborne Digital Marketing Agency. Just use the contact form and I'll respond to you as soon as possible.
How SEO Will Change in 2019

How SEO Will Change in 2019


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