The purpose of this assignment was to explore the use of letterforms and typography in the particular style of a chosen artist. 

I started the assignment excited to create a composition inspired by one of my favorite artists, however, I underestimated how difficult it would be. When creating a list of the certain aspects that were unique to Lichtenstein, I also created a list of a few of my favorite works. These lists helped me brainstorm the elements I wanted to include in my assignment. I knew I wanted to include bold outlines, bright primary colors, and ben day dots. I was inspired by big blocky letters and the idea of an explosion.

I got my inspiration from previous works created by Lichtenstein. I created my text, color palette, and textures based on these images and the style of his work.

I wanted to create a composition that resembled an explosion. I wanted to show Lichtenstein’s name popping out of the page, with his particular style elements encapsulating the background. I tried multiple sketches and computer designed approaches before I reached my final product.

Throughout the process of creating my composition, I tried multiple different iterations of colors and shapes. I tried different fonts and distortions of text. I played around with my composition in Illustrator to see what positioning I liked until I ended with my final layout. I am happy with my final product, I believe I showed Lichtenstein’s style of work without copying. I made his work my own and I really enjoyed this assignment.
See Typography Process Book for more information. 




Creative Fields