This logo represents CardinalFit - a CrossFit gym that aims to improve each of the ten defined fitness domains: Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, speed, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance and accuracy.
I wanted to create a logo that showed a simplistic design, but boldness all the same. First the letters that make up ardinalFit represent a simple, strong and bold look. I wanted the C to cover the letters in CardinalFit to respresent the idea that CardinalFit covers all that is CrossFit. With the C, it represents CardinalFit covering the ten defined fitness domains. 
As you will see, the images below are my works for various CardinalFit material. Keep in mind as you see them, I wanted to keep the simplistic feel.
The envelope above will be used for member services - as far as recruitment mail, announcements, notices, etc. As stated, I wanted to keep everthing simple. Here the CardinalFit logo is simple and bold. Anyone would be able to immediately notice that it mail message is from the gym. 
Contining with simplicity, the CardinalFit letterhead. I did not want to get flashy in the least bit. I mentioned that the envelope will be used for member services and the same should be applied for the letterhead. Simple logo but lets the reader know immediate who the letter is from. 
Above is my business card for Nate Melvin, head CrossFit trainer. On the front of the card is the CardinalFit C on top of a QR logo. Again, the audience or target public for CrossFit is a relatively younger public so they should be accoustumed to QR codes. It leads to the website. 
The image above represents my color ad. I chose this photo mainly because Nate is the main trainer and this is often how he looks after completing a CrossFit workout. It shows the essence that is CrossFit. I barrow the idea of my text close to his head from several Nike ads. To me they represent internal thoughts and questions that arise when conversing about CrossFit. I centered the words "strength" "speed" and "power" because that is the mainly the ultimate goal when working out - for athletes that is.
Above is my newspaper ad for the opening day of CrossFit. I kept is causal and clean. The background is a metal plate that can be associated with CrossFit - toughness. I wanted to keep the same phrasing because, after all, it still represents the internal thoughts and questions. 
Below is the brochure made for CardinalFit. The brochure is my favorite piece in the entire project. I wanted to use linework and be a little more creative with it and have a good message for the potential clients. 
The is what I would call the front of the brochure – mainly because it is what you are going to see first. Everything is simple and plays along with my plan well. The logo, class schedule, and encouragement to give the class a try are the main messages. 
I thought it was important to include the story of how CardinalFit came to be. This way they see how they gym is thought out and not a random thing someone wanted to do. Also, inviting clients to continue the journey creates a community they want to be a part of.
It is important to see who the face of CF is. So I have Nate here with his qualifications and his main titles at the gym. It is important to put a face with a name for contact purposes.
Showing the goals and philosophy of the gym is very important for potential clients. We are able to show how CardinalFit is a community of athletes who strive for success at multiple levels.
So again I said I wanted to have more fun with the brochure. It's inviting, eye catching and easy for the reader. I think it look pretty sweet and I think potential clients will as well.



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