An Elegy For Art​​​​​​​
A minimalist, and yet, progressive piece which both confronts and comments on how our modern society has become so reformist in their own expression and interpretation of the world around them, in both physical and metaphorical presences, that the word ‘art’ has deteriorated into an almost meaningless existence; merely a title and an excuse. This particular artwork, and exhibition thereof, is produced primarily with the aim to force the viewer to confront the reality of what ‘modern art’ is and how it is perceived, to force out the birth of a conversation surrounding what art was, what art is and what art is intended to be, is there a line that has been drawn, where is this line and should such a line even exist, does one already? 
An Elegy for Art addresses the current state of the commodification of art as well as how our modern, capitalist society has killed art. 

The delicacy of breath in its fleeting moment showcases the equilibrium between the fragility of life and the inevitable permanence of death. Although one’s presence may not be seen through the physicality of being or life, the mark left by one on the subject shall not be erased. The permanence of contact may not be erased by the mere existence, or marching, of time.
The price tag reads 200, 000 bitcoin. A ridiculous price adding to the insanity of the piece. Commenting on how modern art can be perceived as nothing more than expensive lines and shapes.

Gombrich so beautifully stated “there is no such thing as art, only artists.” Art itself does not have a definitive or ‘real’ definition, by extension of thought, how could a subjective experience and/or performance be defined by a singular person, in their own subjective world and thought, anyway?  Considering that art itself is able to take many forms and can be done in an almost limitless vary of mediums, art itself is limitless; art is abstract. The most common known and most resonating definition of art , one which we are taught from our earliest memory and reinforced through our years, is one which states that is something which is created in an aesthetically pleasing way or a creation which holds aesthetic value. However, the definition of art, like most definitions, is fluid and evolves, it transcends into a realm where it is not specifically restrictive regarding the nature of the aesthetic value, becoming so broad it begins to encapsulate anything; seemingly meaningless.  As art, and the definition thereof, evolves to mean and encompass the ideas, thoughts, feelings and visuals of anything and everything, our modern, global capitalist society has embraced this ideal for commodification.

Art is dead and we need to talk about it.
*This project is still to be updated with images of the full exhibition piece once the work is received back.
What do you think? What do you consider art? And where is it going? Is art dead?

Thank You!
An Elegy for Art

An Elegy for Art

A minimalist, and yet, progressive piece which both confronts and comments on how our modern society has become so reformist in their own express Read More
