Prison Escape
Welcome to the introductory section devoted to the development of graphic materials and illustrations for the slot machine “Prison Escape”. The subject of this slot machine is entirely based on prison adventures in the bird city, and you get the role of a skillful security cracker who was tired of the daily routine and the string of robberies, and voluntarily surrendered to the authorities. Now you have plenty of time to rest and bring your thoughts in order, make new acquaintances, or join to a new gang. This place is dominated by cruel laws, and surveillance cameras are constantly watching your every move. Authoritative bosses are planning to escape and all they lack to implement their flawless plan is your unrivaled cracker skills. Decide whether you calmly spend your term, indulging in reading the literature and adhering the limits of the law, or help your cellmates to make the most daring escape – it’s up to you to decide. In any case, you won’t be able to find a repose for a long time. On the one hand – the bosses who can take revenge by sticking a fork in the eye, and on the other – jailers who can easily fix you all vertebrae on the ridge with their faithful truncheons. We sincerely hope that you will like our slot machine and strongly recommend to avoid bad companies in real life
Here you can see a preliminary sketch version of the main background image for the slot machine “Prison Escape”. Below you can see the final version of the background image, as well as compare all the similarities and differences with the preliminary, draft version.
And this is the final version of the main background image for the slot machine “Prison Escape”. The action takes place in the prison cell at a time when all the prisoners are on a walk. At the peeling wall there is a colorful poster, on the shelf there is a small stack of books, and on the table there is a mug with unfinished tea and a fresh newspaper.
Here you can see the preliminary, sketch versions of the themed game symbols for the slot machine “Prison Escape”. Below you can see the final versions of the game symbols, as well as compare all the similarities and differences with the preliminary, draft versions.
And these are the final versions of all the game symbols available in the game. The upper part of the symbols are in the “low” category and brings a small number of winning points, the middle part of the symbols are in the category “middle” and brings the average number of winning points to the player, and the lower part enters the category “high” and brings a large number of winning points, and also special additional features.
Here is the main screen of the bonus game, where you will have to demonstrate your skills in breaking the locks. Be careful when hacking because you’ll have 3 attempts only. Choose suitable lockpicks wisely, hold the correct angle and you will probably be able to open the lock and get a reward. However, if you’ll spend all 3 attempts and fail to open the lock, the game will be lost and you will return to the main screen.
Prison Escape

Prison Escape

Welcome to the introductory section devoted to the development of graphic materials and illustrations for the slot machine “Prison Escape”. The s Read More
