D. L.'s profile

Project 03: Informing America

Project 03: Informing America
In this project we were tasked to create a micro-site to educate our readers about a topic or societal challenge that isn't well-known. The site should not only inform, but intrigue the reader. I decided to stretch myself by choosing a topic I didn't know very well: bipolar disorder.

*Sorry some of the dimensions are larger than anticipated!
Angled headers are used to communicate the unbalanced nature of bipolar.
Celebrities who have bipolar have been highlighted to remind viewers that this disorder does not condemn someone to a life of failure or hopelessness.
If I were to redo this project I would probably try to incorporate more statistics and resources available for the user.

Project 03: Informing America

Project 03: Informing America

BYU-I Term project for ART331 informational design


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