Pisca Studio's profile

Product catalogue design and conceptualization

La pastisseria Llavina ofereix un gran ventall de productes artesans i de qualitat. A l'hora de conceptualitzar el catàleg, vam apostar per potenciar una imatge de qualitat, sobretot fent èmfasi al procés, ja que és de les poques pastisseries que conserven obrador propi: era important mostrar part del procés (ingredients, utensilis, etc.) per tal d'explicar de manera visual que els productes són fets per ells mateixos en el seu obrador.
+Fotografia: joanpujolcreus.com


Llavina confectionery offers a wide range of quality crafted products. The core concept for the catalogue was to potentiate a high quality image by emphasising the process of creation as it is one of the few confectionaries with its own workshop. It was important to show parts of the process such as the ingredients, utensils and so on, to visually explain that the products are crafted in the company’s own workspace.
+Photography: joanpujolcreus.com
Product catalogue design and conceptualization

Product catalogue design and conceptualization

Product catalogue design and conceptualization for Llavina confectionery.
