The brief called for illustrative and text elements to be developed for a work of speculative fiction, to then be applied to a wrap-around book cover for the chosen text - 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. 

The final illustration visually recalls some of the strong imagery that came to mind when I read a certain passage in the story - the idea of two realities existing simultaneously, one that is monotonous and devoid of life, and an alternate which is busy, abstracted, vibrant and exciting. They are connected only by the centralised ladder, with the realities remaining somewhat detached and dissimilar.

The final piece was created in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, and uses a mix of medias. All line illustrations were hand-drawn before then being vector refined in Illustrator. The highly-saturated reality on the lower portion of the cover was developed from an inverted photograph of swirled dye in milk, and a photo of concrete was used for some of the texturing in the darker reality. The use of different media generates a greater level of depth and contrast in this piece, and also supports the proposed concept of concurrent worlds.
