I used Prisma markers and pen. This piece has is titled death quean for obvious reasons. I enjoy the view that death isn’t so much morbid but a new experience. I played with blues and purples that are common colors associated with death and made them more fun rather than off-putting. The skull was made to look cute with a bit of a childish sense. Death in my opinion shouldn’t just be seen as depressing. We face our fears and turn them into something we can stand up to.
Untitled. I am in love with all things creepy, dark, mysteries and turning them into something humorous. Everyone is scared of something and we mask it. i made this piece to show the smile we put on as if that’s what’s going to make the bad thing go away. In the background it there are fishes that are supposed to symbolize that she is under water. Here face is turning blue and purple from drowning however she continues to smile. I used Watercolor, sharpie, colored pencil as well as pastels.
It pains me to say... Children are kinda creepy. They pop up around corners and are the perfect things to scare the shizz outta ya in movie! (Examples: The Shining, Sinister, The Others, Sixth Sense, etc...) I created these big headed, disproportionate children out of pen and watercolor. I didn’t create a background one this and some others, so that you can mainly stair into their creepy yes.  They are made to look innocent but devilish to show that sometimes fear doesn’t always come from the big bad wolf. Untiled 
Clowns are well known to bring the creepy into the party. My sister, as well as many others, really freaking hate clowns. The fear of clowns is brought by movies and the mask they wear. They are made to dress colorful and to look happy however it only enhances the fact that we all have masks we wear to face the outside world.  We hide who we are and what we think in order to appease others. We become faceless as our alter ego overtakes us. Materials used are Water color, pen.
Here I play with the fear of what’s in the dark. We are eaten by a fear of what’s behind us when we aren’t looking. Do people change or unwanted things appear? I know people who still looked behind the shower before using the bathroom or refusing to close their eyes for more than a second in the shower. Our minds betray us once the lights go off. The fear on the boy’s face shows that he isn’t aware of what’s in the dark or that his little sister isn’t who she was when he’s not looking. I used watercolors, Colored pencil and pen
Truthfully I have a fear of needles. I hate the idea of something piercing through my skin and draining me of blood. I hate the idea i am stuck sitting in a cold room with a nurse hovering over me as she slides something under my skin. i have no control on how much she takes. I am 17 and still cry at the sight of needles. We all have a fear that, to some, doesn’t make sense but to us makes all the sense in the world. Materials used are Watercolor and pencil.
Sometimes we ignore what we don’t want to see. Here I have a little girl playing jump rope. Its innocent enough however when you look at what she’s holding it’s not a rope but a snake. We all have fears such as what’s in the dark however there is more than one type of fear. An example is the fear for others. We lead our children to church, teachers, others homes. We convince ourselves nothing could ever go wrong. We turn to the new and see children being molested or killed. Then we turn to ours and again think nothing could go wrong. We see what we want until it’s too late. (Pen and Watercolor.)
Another word for fear is a phobia. Here I am presenting the phobia of things that are different. We hide ourselves from others so we won’t be judged. We want to be seen as normal. Some view being Homosexuals perverted. I’ve even heard the argument that if same sex people are allowed to have relations then how is that different then someone wanting to be with children? In my opinion that is just a loose argument made to convince people that being in love with another man is the same as being in love with a kid. That person put a fear of child molestation into the argument. We all have our own opinions that are neither wrong nor right. They are OPINIONS and aren’t something to be scared of. (Watercolor and pen) titled: Lovely In A Dress
Fear can also be brought by people. Though our imaginations can create monsters that don’t exist, people become monsters that are real. I drew two intimidating men with no faces. This is because i want the viewers to imagine someone they are scared of. People like banker’s threatening to take your home, your bosses who can fire you at any moment, and your neighbor who comes home drunk every night, anything you want. Humans are the worst monsters. The right people can instill fear into anyone. Even religious figures. (Watercolors and pens) Title: The Worst Nightmare
Crazy Weird

Crazy Weird

My Portfolio


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