You are the Head Designer for a design bureau servicing High Street Fashion Companies. The creative profile of the design bureau to date has shown it to be able to meet customer requirements through:
-Exhibiting an understanding of the design management process and the ability to work within constraints imposed when designing for different markets  
-Producing original and high impact research and design ideas
-Demonstrating a considerate professional and ethical work ethos.
-Facilitating access to work at developmental and finished stages in various digital formats suitable to client needs.
ALLSAINTS will be used to offer a collection which targets the young professionals industry. This design task will be set out to appeal to 25-32 year olds who desire a need for fashion at a trend convenience. 
WGSN offer a trend forecasting insight into future of trends. They interpret trend expectations through themes that incorporate colour inspiration and influences that will determine the trend.
The following screenshot are overviews that indicate the trend sourcing and what to expect from. The future of trends. 
These will be used throughout the design process as a way to understand what the target market will like and use the appropriate criteria to address their needs and wants as consumers. 
This art direction proposal will offer the designer for AllSaints to produce a line up that reflects the cultural and historical reference found during the research stage, applying the suited trends to the overall concept. 
Fitness for Purpose

Why does the chosen work represent the best outcome of the options you could have developed?
The final designs presented in the trend book suggest elements that have been identify through the trend forecasting. The theme Normcore is evident in the forecasting trends and has been used to establish the overall concept. 

How does your work compare with professional work you researched?
Based on trend analysis the overall concept shows initiative and innovation through each of the design processes. It reflects ways in which the industry are continually understanding the world around us, applying the design influence in a logical form. 

What were the technical constraints and difficulties you encountered?

How could you have improved the process or outcome?

Further Research
Using Pinterest enables access to all kinds of inspiration where all images have similar links with other images. Useful for learning about trends and how others interpret these.
This board is inspiration that surrounds the theme Normcore. It contains historic influences including the 50s and 80s. Subculture styles that go against designer fashion that create a conflict in society such as grunge and skater styles. 


