Stephanie Bennett's profile

WGSN and Trend Research

Through the research conducted on WGSN I was able to interpret my own theme, which was decided as 'Collectively Cuban'. The reason I chose Cuba as influence for my line was a result of the Prints and Graphics shown which are on trend for A/W 19/20. There is also a strong ethnic presence for the future 19/20 trends. I feel like the colours and graphics found within Cuban culture are inspiring as a basis for my line. 
As the line is for a working professional individual I didn't want the actual design to be too daring, so I found that the use of colours and prints would add that edgy, fun feel to the range.
Shown below is some of the graphics and print trends found on WGSN for A/W 19/20
Through WGSN I was able to find a suitable colour palette to be used for my 'Collectively Cuban' inspired line, as shown below.
Cuban Inspiration 
As well as conducting research through WGSN, I used Pinterest to find images that I found inspiring for my range. I found the architecture and use of prints in the Cuban culture particularly inspiring.
Below are some of the images which can be found on my Pinterest board, which I found inspiring for my range.
1. Fitness for purpose. Why does the chosen work represent the best outcome of the options you could have developed?

The research conducted has led me to develop the chosen theme which is 'collectively Cuban'. I feel that this represents exactly what I want for my range through the use of graphics and prints.

2. How does your work compare with the professional work you researched?

I feel that my work compares with the research found through its use of graphics and prints from Cuba. The research for the range was found through WGSN and Pinterest, and I have developed these findings into a theme to be used through my research process.

3. What were the technical constraints and difficulties you encountered?

I found choosing a colour palette difficult, as there were so many colours and prints that I loved. I ended up choosing a palette that I felt was more suitable for the targeted consumer.

4.How could you have improved the process or outcome?

To improve the process I would of narrowed my colour palette and theme sooner, as I felt that this slowed the entire design slightly.
WGSN and Trend Research

WGSN and Trend Research


Creative Fields