As part of my 4th year I participated in the class "Design Emotion and Experience". The task: Design and develop a loud speaker to evoke an emotional response from the viewer.
"The aim of this class is to develop your knowledge and skills in connection with contemporary form and aesthetic design, working from conceptualisation to detail design, in reference to human emotion and experience."
Inspiration taken from the phrase "The Downward Spiral" - to be caught within a vicious cycle of bad choices or feelings. It can begin by making a minor bad decision or feeling slightly down, but that action or feeling can grow, leading from one action or feeling to another and so on, having an almost domino effect. The form generated from this is to make the viewer feel out of control, as if they are caught within a whirlpool, the closer you move to the centre, the faster your dragged into it and the less control you have.

