John Ashcraft's profile

Starting the Day!

I used my phone for these images and edited in Photoshop. All images are taken  from basic camera app with no added filters or effects and solely edited in post. I started by using the camera RAW filter to adjust the Highlights/Shadows/Contrast/Hue/Sharpness/Saturation. I chose a warm HUE to  give it a nice morning feel. I heavily saturated the colors for a more comical feel which helps brighten the mood. Then the sharpness and contrast  just gives the objects in the image depth and deeper blacks. 

This starts our story as I start my day by setting off down the street to grab a cup of coffee. Here I've put on my shoes and I'm ready for my walk. 

Same phone and settings. 
In Photoshop, once again using the camera RAW filter, I lowered the exposure a bit and dropped out the highlights. Then I raised the shadows to give the image a more consistent light across it. Then I  adjusted the hue again to give it a warm feel and did a tiny bit of a radial blur for a light depth of field look.

This is the first path on my morning walk. I head down this sidewalk first thing every morning.

Here I have a heavy depth of field with a focus on the center. I did similar adjustments to this as I did to the second image. This has  a  lower saturation setting as to not give the thistle a color glow.

On my way to the store, there are beautiful elements of nature to be seen if you stop and look. 

In this image I duplicated the layer and cut out the fence in the center and then over-layed a neon glow to the edges and set that layers blend mode to overlay and lowered the opacity. The rest has the saturation raised and hue set to a warm feel of magenta and yellow. 

This fence is along the street I walk down to get to the store. This side of the street seems to never be tended to where as the other side is a busy commercial block with heavy traffic daily... strange. 

I set the hue to have a little more blue in this image to help brighten up the bum. This image is full focus with a boost in sharpness and contrast and a lower exposure which is made up for by raising the shadows and blacks in the image.

Along my path I'm sometimes surprised with a either dead or sleeping person. What a fun walk this has been so far. I wonder what type of pills those are. 

Here I did the whole saturation and warm hue thing again and then I added a vignette  and lowered the exposure and then put a radial blur on only the vignette which stretched the edges a bit.

I've finally reached my destination. I approach the doors to 7-11 only after making sure I remembered to bring my wallet. Which I did.

Along with a deep saturation and depth of field, I also put on a gradient filter on the left side of the image and took the saturation out completely which made the left side black and white and the right side out of focus, which directs your eye to the center of the image and then to the right. 

Usually by the time I get up and out and to the store to get my coffee, the selection is slim. So I make do with what they have left. 

I initially duplicated the image 3 times and the on the top layer I cut out just the center circle of the cup's rim with the coffee in the middle. Then the second layer I changed the blend mode to screen and adjusted the hue to have a greenish yellow tint and then lowered the opacity until it wasn't too bright. Then the bottom layer just got a gaussian blur added to create a focused depth of field only around the coffee cup rim. Then top layer of the center circle got the sharpness raised. 

I chose a large today, and also decided to go black. Needing the big energy for the rest of the day. 

Here I raised the exposure a bit and created an empty layer above the image and used the paint brush to draw white on the coffee cup.  Then I changed the blend mode to  overlay and I lowered the opacity and it gives the coffee cup much brighter and more of  a  focal point. 

Success! I've got my morning coffee and this completes my daily pre-start. 
Starting the Day!

Starting the Day!

A project for my Los Angeles Film School course. I was asked to create a story using an image sequence. I chose to walk to the store and get coff Read More
