Personas & Goals 
I developed two primary personas for this application. Persona A is the entrepreneur and Person B is the job seeker or talent. 
Use Cases Examples
Use Case #1 - Looking for graphic designer
1. Log into app
2. Type “graphic designer” in search box
3. Scroll through local graphic designer profiles
4. Contact one of the designers

Use Case #2 - Search for work opportunities
1. Go to app profile
2. Click “Recommended Work” on tab bar
3. Scroll through suggested work opportunities
4. Respond to posting

Use Case #3 - Posting work needed
1. Log into app
2. Create work posting
3. Scroll through Search Results Page
A sitemap was created to highlight the hierarchal organization of the application. This allowed me visually communicate the fundamental functions of the application and to better analyze the value proposition. 
User Process Flows

Two user flows were created to depict the two primary personas (entrepreneur and talent). User Flow A shows the primary process flow of an entrepreneur user. User Flow B shows the primary process flow of an entrepreneur user. 
I created a high-fidelity wireframe to highlight all of the screens for the application. All functionalities are described with detailed examples. 
Value Proposition Update: An application that connects startup entrepreneurs with local talent for work and project collaboration. 
Simple Script
Persona A Use Case: A software engineer is looking to work with a startup company

Screen 1: Login, new user clicks ‘Sign Up’ hotspot which leads to ‘Create Profile’ screen.
Users can click Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin icons to sign up through using data from those platforms.

Screen 2: Create Profile, user fills out form and clicks ‘talent’ icon to designate go to ‘talent homepage.’

Screen 3: Talent Homepage, user has signed in with a talent profile type and can click avatar to go to ‘Talent Profile’ screen. User clicks ‘Shark Bank’ company to go to job post page. 

Screen 4: Job Posting page, user clicks ‘Apply Now’ icon on this screen that leads the user to the ‘Apply Page’ screen

Screen 5 : Apply Page, user fills out form and can attach resume, then clicks Submit

Persona B Use Case: An entrepreneur is looking to hire for startup company

Screen 1: Login, new user clicks ‘Sign Up’ hotspot which leads to ‘Create Profile’ screen. Users can click Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn icons to sign up through using data from those platforms.

Screen 2: Create Profile, user fills out form and clicks ‘talent’ icon to designate go to ‘talent homepage.

Screen 3 : Entrepreneur homepage, user can click avatar to go to profile page

Screen 4 : Entrepreneur profile page, user create a job posting and view current projects and past projects

Screen 5: Create a job posting page, user can fill out form to create a job post to recruit new hires for project
Pilot Testing
Job Seeker User Flow 
After creating a Research Plan, I conducted 1 user test of the application using Validately. The screen grab below displays how much time each task took. I analyzed my findings to improve the result of the application
User Testing
After the pilot study, I implemented all corrections and suggestions from class peers to complete the final application. 
User Testing Key Takeaways
1. Sign up Hotspot needs to be larger and the button needs to be bigger
2. Put bulleted instructions in the Validately greeting to make it easier for users to follow
3. Add 'Skills' as a criteria on the 'Apply Page'

Sign Up Hotspot issue
1. After analyzing user tests, 3 out of 7 users had issues with clicking the 'Sign Up' button.
2. Although 'Sign up' button is underlined, it needs to be more prominent than other buttons on the screen.
Validately User Experience Issue
After analyzing the user tests, 4 out of 7 users either stopped test and closed out of the application due to confusion of how the complete tasks or browsed through application without following the instructions.
Missing Puzzle

Missing Puzzle


Creative Fields