Harley Ann White-Stacey's profile

Kinetic Typography_The Hearse Song

The Goal of the project:
To create a Kinetic Typography animation,using a source of audio as my narrative. I had to consider the message and content todecide aesthetic design decisions (colors, background, fonts, movement, use of symbols,etc.)

A side note, I can't hear well =P.
The words are closely timedto the actual audio fragment as they should be, but his part is not easy due to the fact that I have hearing problems,
I mostly used the wave form (shown above) and sound levels to time everything because there are some beats that i can only see and not hear. The project shouldn't miss out on moving to a beat and adding to what my viewer see's and hears just because I can't hear something, so the work was well worth the finished project. =)
Some text quoted from the Project II: Kinetic Type project sheet.

"Kinetic typography refers to the art andtechnique of expression with animated text. Kinetic typography has demonstrated the ability to add significantemotive content and appeal to expressive text, allowing some of the qualitiesnormally found in film and the spoken word to be added to static text.

Kinetic type has been widely and successfullyused in film as well as in television and computer-based advertising.

It is successful because it can make a profoundemotional connection.

This type of animation had its beginning withcinematic transition in the 1960’s. Therenowned graphic designer Saul Bass featured the animated text in his openingtitles for Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest."
A view into the toes comp where my "tower of toes" is ordered and timed to the music.
A close up of what I see and what you hear, zooming in on this is what helped me time everything.
The design of this comp happened by mistake, I had moved a shape onto the wrong layer and it covered some of the word, "box" up, I liked it and decided to really add it to the comp.
The full timeline with key frames from the null in view.
Kinetic Typography_The Hearse Song

Kinetic Typography_The Hearse Song

To create a Kinetic Typography animation.


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