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Week 7: Light and Scale #oneperday2017

Title: Sunset Light Shot

Technique: SLR Photography and Adobe Photoshop

I took this shot from an apartment balcony and the sun was setting in the afternoon. The light from the setting sun created an amazing light pattern against the tree and its leaves. The photo was taken with ISO 100, an f/stop of F5.6 and a Shutter Speed of 1/25. The photo was later brought into Adobe Photoshop to have the colours balanced and corrected.

I decided to take this photo as it was appealing to the eye and the display of light was intriguing for this week's theme. The light created an amazing display from the other trees from behind the camera.

I found it difficult to create and get a perfect shot for a light-based painting. Therefore, it took a while to find the perfect scene.
Title: Giant Godzilla Plush

Technique: SLR Photography and Adobe Photoshop

I carefully placed the plush on a table and a kettle placed further away. The plush appear to be the size of the kettle in the background. Therefore, it looks like a giant Godzilla in a room. The photo was taken with ISO 100, an f/stop of F4.5 and a Shutter Speed of 0.4 seconds. The photo was later taken into Adobe Photoshop to have it retouched and colour balanced.

I toke this photo as a scale illusion experiment. I placed the plush near the camera and a kettle further away, therefore creating a scale difference between the kettle and plush. This caused the plush to appear to be about the size of the kettle in the background.

I found the object placement a tricky aspect in this photo. Therefore, there was a complication with the time used to have the objects placed the way they are. 
Title: Style Light

Technology: SLR Photography and Adobe Photoshop

It was a bright and sunny day nearing mid-day. I placed my water bottle on the ground and a word, Style, from my bottle reflected onto the ground. The photo was taken with ISO 100, an f/stop of F9 and a Shutter Speed of 1/320. The photo was later brought into Adobe Photoshop to be cropped and have its colour values balanced and corrected.

I took this image as it was interesting for this week's theme. It appeared to be a light painting of the water and caused the word to show on the ground. Therefore, I found it very unique with its reflection.

I did not have any issues with this setup, as it was a coincidence to find my bottle reflecting the water and a word appearing on the ground. However, I had to adjust my bottle to have the word shown on the ground.
Title: Light Dragon Painting

Technique: DSLR Photography

The photo was taken in a dark room. Where all light was eliminated to create this spectacular shot. The photo was taken with ISO 100, an f/stop of F11 and a Shutter Speed of 13 seconds. Since there was a slow shutter speed, it caused the camera to capture the light source as it traces out the shape, in this case, it was a dragon.

It was an interesting capture as I drew a light painting of a dragon. Therefore, it was one experimentation of light painting. I was able to get a representational drawing form of a dragon, even though the line did not connect.

The photo was achieved with the assistance of a classmate, where they were helping with camera capture, and I was in the shot 'drawing' my image. However, I had to practice my light tracing before being captured on the camera's slow shutter speed.
Title: Micro-scape: Nature Root Road

Technique: SLR Photography and Adobe Photoshop

This micro city is an experiment with scale. There are two small cars sitting on a tree root and small plastic scenery trees are placed on the sides of the root. Therefore, it appears to be an actual image of a nature city. The photo was taken with ISO 100, an f/stop of F4.5 and a Shutter Speed of 1/5 seconds. The photo was later brought into Adobe Photoshop to have its colours balanced and corrected.

I took this image as it was very appealing to see objects in a different view and angle. In this case, scale was used to created this interesting micro scenery in a large park. Therefore, showing the objects in a different scene and area.

I found the placement and angle difficult, as it took multiple attempts to get the perfect angle and also taking photos in weird angles and positions. Since the photo was taken in the late afternoon, light was disappearing quickly.
Week 7: Light and Scale #oneperday2017

Week 7: Light and Scale #oneperday2017
