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508 Kings Road Chelsea Branding

508 Kings Road Chelsea is an up and coming luxury gallery, that boasts in exhibiting the best of contemporary modern art. I went to an exhibition they were holding and found that they had no clear brand of any sort. I set myself a goal to win over the Director of the gallery to improve his brand identity. 

Initially I created a booklet with various logo designs and also a brand identity he would be confident with.

Unfortunately all was rejected. However the silver lining of the story is that he liked the effort I put into the project without a prompt response from himself. I managed to show him the importance of having a brand identity and won the commission to create the identity for his gallery. Please see the next page for the final piece.
I am pleased with the final outcome of the brand identity. The strategy was to create an emblem that’s easily recognisable and contemporary. The company changed their name during the design process. However, persistence paid off and I ended up creating a modern contemporary identity that looks simple but displays elegance. 
An intriguing note of this project: I had a phone call informing me that a world famous Graphic designer was reviewing the logo. After some anticipation I wanted to know who it was?! It was the one and only Professor Phil Cleaver the protégé of Anthony Froshaug who also worked under the renowned, Alan Fletcher. 
I was in amazement and pleased to receive his seal of approval.
508 Kings Road Chelsea Branding