Truss is a quarterly architecture and design publication focused on creating livable spaces for the urban dweller. This magazine aims to show readers that good design makes homes better and lives easier by showcasing unique spaces from cities all over the world. 
With a rise in urban population and demand for a smaller footprint, Issue 02 focuses on spaces under 1,200 sq ft. This issue features an in-depth look at residential and commercial spaces, architect interviews, curated products for the interior space, and reader-submitted photos.
Inspired by beautiful homes I wanted to create a magazine that felt structured and inviting. Each article is laid out in a unique way just like every home has a unique floor plan. Ample amounts of white space in the layout design highlights the stories and let them speak for themselves, making them the center of attention. To showcase a recurring topic in the magazine a single color is used throughout the publication. 
*Student Project
Truss Quarterly


Truss Quarterly

Architecture and design publication focused on creating livable spaces for the urban dweller.
