The logo for ReThink is an abstract portrayal of the reduction or decline of oil use. This reduction of oil is inside of a circle that symbolizes the idea of people coming together as a single unit in their lifestyle choices that help to use less oil. To drive the purpose of the campaign in making others rethink about what they are using everyday the wordmark puts both emphasis on "think" and "re". The campaign wants people to sit down and take the time necessary to rethink what their products are while purchasing them. 
My contribution to the ReThink campaign was in the production of the social media post below.I also created a flyer to hand out that explained the dilemma of oil in personal care products and safe alternatives. Another product that I made was an infographic that showed the amount of petrochemical ingredients in six different products that are part of the personal care market.
I also created a flyer to hand out that explained the dilemma of oil in personal care products and safe alternatives.
Another product that I made was an infographic that showed the amount of petrochemical ingredients in six different products that are part of the personal care market.
Other work done by the ReThink campaign group.


ReThink is a campaign focused on informing others about oil reduction in everyday life. Especially in choosing personal care products that do not Read More
