Books With No Pages

Ever since college I have collected Newspaper, Magazine and Advertising headlines in a bag. I have been adding to it weekly for the past 10 years.
Then, in order to have something creatively fun to do, either while passing the time or taking a break, I play this little game:
1. Shake up the bag
2. Put hand in bag.
3. Stir the headline contents around in bag.
4. Grab a bunch
5. Pull them out of the bag
6. Make poetry with the headlines pulled out.

The rules of how the poetry are made differ depending on my mood. Sometimes I make a poem based on the order I put them down, somes times I am not allowed to manipulate the headlines in any way. But most of the time I just use what I got and cut and paste away.

I have ten years of this stuff I have been putting in notebooks. With the exception of one fashion designer’s interest, I never thought about doing anything with them.

Everyone tells me I should put them on the internet. So, here they are.
The name of the project comes from the last line of the first one of these I ever did.

I plan on doing a daily entry over at http://bookswithnopages.tumblr.com 
Books With No Pages

Books With No Pages

Ever since college I have collected Newspaper, Magazine and Advertising headlines in a bag. I have been adding to it weekly for the past 10 years Read More
