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Slavic Mythology Masks

Masks are created after examination and reconsideration of Slavic pagan mythological images and characters. By studying the role of personification, masquerades and feasts (like Winter feast, solstices, etc.) and by analyzing the process of mutation of the tribes that used to inhabit Ukrainian territory long before Ukraine even existed, we’ve chosen five main characters that were important to the demonology of local Slavic communities.
This Five capacious characters reflect imagery features of local flavor.

All Film Photos by Sonya Sem

location - Carpatian Mountains, Verhovuna district. (Карпати, район Верховини)

(scroll down for get explanation)

Chuhaister is a cheerful blue-eyed woodsman that is covered with black or white fur. He spends his days dancing, singing, hunting for mavkas (another fantastic creatures) that are trapping for young hunters or shepards. Chuhaister is a social creature. He makes people dance when he plays on his flute. According to the beliefs, chuhaister used to be a man, but he was cursed by some evil magicians, so now the only place he can inhabit are Ukrainian Carpathians.

Molphar is a person with supernatural powers that is traditional for Hutsul communities. The word “Molphar” comes from “Molpha”, which means “rapture”. He is a person who can change his aura and to correct the algorithm of his being.​​​​​​​
inspiration info:МольфарТіні_забутих_предків_(фільм)
"Дух Крапат/ Spirit of Carpathians"
The Carpathians were always considered to be a place with great energy that provides people with cheerfulness, wisdom and longevity. This image of the region was created by many artists who captured it in their works. A lot of words were devoted to Romanian Carpathins, regions like Transylvaniaб because of their connection to Dracula or Nikola Tesla. But even though there are way less works done to describe power and beauty of Ukrainian Carpathians, still they are as countable as can be. The image of the Spirit of the Mountain is popular in Ukrainian folklore, but it was never really captured visually.​​​​​​​

Ghoul-doublesoul is a person with two souls (or hearts), one is human, the other one is demonic. This character was considerd to be diabolic. In the daytime it’s a normal person. But in the night, after it falls asleep, it quits its body and turns into some animal like goat, dog or horse.

 "Mavka/ Мавка лісова"
Mavka – is a soul of a dead child that lives on trees in forests, in fields or high grass. In the spring, when snow starts to melt down, mavkas spend their evenings planting flowers. They blossom with their surroundings, running through the grass, playing on the trees, making wreathes and dancing. On the places where they dance, the grass becomes thicker and denser.
inspiration info:Лісова_пісняМавка
Slavic Mythology Masks

Slavic Mythology Masks

Masks/costume/characters based on Pagan Slavic mythological creatures and culture. made by recycling. shooting in their natural habitat area ^*
