Silvia Caporgno's profile

Bearded Gentlemen Company - Visual Identity

Bearded Gentlemen Company - Visual Identity
I due proprietari di questo business sono nati e cresciuti a Petaluma vicino a San Francisco. La città è nota per la cera d’api, ingrediente naturale e totalmente biologico, che è la base dei loro prodotti per la barba. Il progetto prevede dunque, la creazione di un logo e la definizione dell’immagine riguardante il necessario per ogni gentiluomo barbuto. Il concept è stato quello di combinare due elementi, la classicità e la modernità che danno vita ad un brand accattivante ed elegante destinato ad un target maschile che ama prendersi cura della propria barba con stile e qualità.

Bearded Gentlemen Company - Visual Identity
The two owners of this business were born and raised in Petaluma near San Francisco. The city is known for its beeswax, natural and totally organic ingredient, which is the basis of their products by the beard. The project provides therefore, the creation of a logo and the image definition concerning the need for each bearded gentleman.
The concept was to combine two elements, the classicism and modernity that create a captivating and elegant brand aimed at a male audience that likes to take care of his beard with style and quality.

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Bearded Gentlemen Company - Visual Identity

Bearded Gentlemen Company - Visual Identity

Bearded Gentlemen Company - Visual Identity The two owners of this business were born and raised in Petaluma near San Francisco. The city is know Read More
